
Friday, October 22, 2010

The Daily Details

I am here. I have been very, very busy taking care of the kiddos while also taking care of the new little guy. He nurses. A. LOT.
He also requires at least 23 hours of being held a day. It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.

Today I decided to take a break from just being a baby holder/nurser and actually tend to the house and all the details it requires.

The verdict?  I will be doing  laundry for the next 20 years. Who moved Mount Rushmore into the laundry room and covered it with dirty clothes and towels?

Well, there is no need for despair. I also have a few bright spots to share from my day.

 1. The dust is gone!...for a day, anyway. When you live on a gravel road and have a gravel drive then you also have a ton of dust in the house. I love wiping it off and admiring the clean surfaces, until it comes back the next day. I rejoice in the moment!

2. I am actually knitting something other than a dishrag! Yippee! Doesn't the yarn look beautiful and soft? (pat on the back for trying a new skill)

3. These are some of my new FAVORITE cookies. I found a nice cooking blog and you can get the simple recipe to these on the blog HERE. Note: I could not find the espresso powder so I used instant coffee. I actually could not taste the coffee at all. You gotta try them, though. WOW! :-)

4. The boy is happy to always have someone to hold him. I am happy to have someone to hold him so I can cook dinner. Speaking of which, I live in the South and therefore love fried chicken. I happen to make very yummy chicken nuggets

I promise to share all the glorious details and the recipe soon.


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