
Monday, November 8, 2010


It is already almost the middle of November!!! How did that happen? Where did the time go?
I am going to blame it all on this daylight savings time garbage.
Twice a year we get to re-adjust our sleep pattern (ie. lose some precious sleep) over this time system that honestly makes no sense in the 21st century. It's an evil, evil thing I tell ya.

It has also been a very busy week. We celebrated Rose's birthday a week ago and then last weekend we celebrated Journee's birthday.

She had a movie night party so instead of a regular cake, we had candy and popcorn and sodas. Initially we planned on a movie outside with the projector but old man winter arrived early so we moved it all indoors.

These two girls were actually both born Nov 3rd. Aren't they both so pretty? Yep, they are my offspring:-)

Now that we are all done with parties, it is time to work hard getting gifts made and list written down all in preparation for the holidays. I also plan to get the house de-cluttered in a serious way. (ha-ha-ha....I sort of laugh to myself) That will be an undertaking with so may kids, but I am determined to get a little more organized BEFORE next year. Wish me luck. It should be easy with a 6 week old, right?

1 comment:

  1. You know--it amazes me just how closed my eyes look like they are when I smile. Funnily enough I have no trouble seeing. Lol.


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