
Monday, November 14, 2011

Back to Reality

Last week I escorted my sweet husband to a medical conference in Amelia Island, FL. It was a tough duty, but I managed. Let me also add that we left ALL the kids home with my mom. Awesome!

 It had been years since I had flown on a in pre-9/11 days. I noticed right away that planes these days are SMALLER. Also, what's up with the un-dressing at security? I wondered how many sickos get high seeing women every where take off their shoes, jewelry and BELTS!  Can we just learn a little from Israel and stop with the non-sense? Enough of my rant. The clouds were beautiful and fluffy and I think I could have stared at them from up there all day.
 Amelia Island? Beautiful! I also noticed that unlike crowded beaches at say Panama City, Amelia Island was CLEAN. We did not spot a single item of trash or cigarette butt. The weather was also very nice.
 Now, this conference was full of very nice people. My husband works for a fantastic company and we enjoyed the invitation to attend this event. As always, though, meeting new people comes with many different responses to being a large family. I told Devin that in the eyes of others (small family folks) we are either crazy for having so many kids or "saints" for having "tons of patience." Why can they not see that truly we are normal, neither crazy or saints.  Okay, I admit there are days I feel crazy:-)
 Amelia Island is a treasure. The people were friendly and the scenery was gorgeous.
 Now, I just have to get back in gear, back to reality. I have to recover a little bit more after reverting back to my youth, college days:-)
 Here's another crazy mother hood thing: I fully expected to sleep in every morning and yet my body was up and I was awake by 6 am each day. The upside to that was that it enabled me to watch the sunrise.
 Back at home, we are slowly getting back into school mode. Journee has been oil-ing up the saddles and riding horses in the afternoon. Zeb likes to pretend he's a cowboy too.
Last night we indulged our lazy selves and threw together a last minute family movie night in the living room. We moved furniture, bought the latest Harry Potter Blu-Ray and assembled an assortment of appetizers so that we could sprawl out and enjoy ourselves.
It's getting colder outside and it will not be long before we settle into a movie/appetizer routine each weekend Devin is not working. *Bliss!*
Later this week I will have another Hand Made Holiday post. You will not want to miss it. I plan to have a couple of gifts your kids can make as well, look for those ideas Thanksgiving week.

This Thursday I am having a Just Dance 3 House Party and promise to post a picture of our boogy-ing selves trying to master the game.

Have a spectacular week!

1 comment:

  1. I love the frist pictrure I have not been a plant sines I was 4 yaer old I think, I like looking out the window of the plant:)


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