This week the hay was cut and bailed and that means one thing.
Time to play before it is all picked up and hauled away. Even the chickens love when the hay is bailed.
Birds that normally stay close to the coop door wander out far into the pasture to eat the many, many crickets who lost their "cover" under the tall hay. It's a total feast for the birds.
It was after bath time for the little ones but who cares if they sleep with a little hay in their beds?
The tall mountains of hay are so much fun to climb atop for play.
Sometimes the ninja keeps a pet chicken for special ninja warrior tricks.
Running has also been proven to wear out toddler boys who possess an extra special amount of energy.
I want to introduce this special maple tree I spotted that seems to sprout barbie clothes. Very interesting. You never know what you might find on 30 acres with 7 children.
I keep a water dish off the front porch for the dogs, but lately it has been getting mucked up each evening. That mystery has been solved. It seems the ducks head up to the porch after I fill the dish up. They take turns swishing into a dog water dish that barely fits one duck. Do they not realize there is a pond on the property? Ah but they are so cute to watch!
The crepe myrtles are in full bloom which means one thing: It's hot, hot, hot and HUMID outside.
The curriculum fair is sneaking up and will be happening next weekend. Here are my 2 high schoolers, although technically Quinn is still 8th grade. She is taking high school math however. I have spent the last 2 days reading and researching what subjects to compile and purchase.
It's gonna be a great school year. It always is a great school year because I am home educating these FABULOUS kids. This weekend we are going to the lake for a birthday party and some jet skiing. I think I will tote the camera along and see what adventures I can capture. I bet the hay is gone when we get back so I am glad we had a least a couple days for a hay day. Have a great weekend ya'll!
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