
Monday, October 17, 2011

A Time to Relax

I have said it before and will say it again: Most days I do not get everything done that needs to get done, but that's OKAY.

Even though the weekend flew by quickly, and I didn't seem to accomplish much on my "to do" list, it was beautiful and fall-ish outside. It was still a great weekend.

 Journee got her birthday present early, which was riding lessons at a nearby stable. At first I doubted the value to price ratio, until that first lesson turned into a 9 hour day of riding horses! She even went back the next day for another 5 hours! Yep, she is a wee bit sore and is walking funny, but I was happy to drive her there so she could bask in the awesomeness of the equine species.
Later she relaxed outside with her trusty, life-long companion Zelda.


 Devin got sheeting on the roof of the storage building. This afternoon he and a friend were hammering some shingles on top. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, so he was double-timing the effort.
I imagine in a couple weeks we will move my bee equipment and his tools out there. This will clear the basement so that we can slowly work on finishing the space up.


 Fletcher loved being out on the grass and he thinks that he can chase down those baby chicks and grab one. I have to pull him to safety, as that mother hen is quite protective, yet he still chases them down as fast as he can.
 Though he is not walking yet, not even a step, he is standing up and holding on to things as he walks around. No rush on walking little rush.
 So instead of rushing around and staying super busy, my "to do" list was set aside so that instead I could sit in the grass and watch this cute boy. Time well spent.
 Devin even joined us between working so the baby could climb and rest on his daddy.
 It is time well spent because you know what? My "to do' list didn't disappear. It is still here today and I was able to knock a few things off. Maybe the restful weekend gave my brain a chance to rest and catch up. A slower pace seems appropriate this time of year doesn't it? The weather is cooler and I hear that by Wednesday we will be wanting to start the fireplace up in the morning. Yeah, baby! That means time to sip hot cider and lay on the couch to watch favorite least as often as we can.
So this weekend was a reminder of the season to come. A season to hang out with family and prepare for some time to do nothing but be together. It was also a reminder to add hot chocolate ingredients and hot cider ingredients to the week's store list.


I am working on a new format to share our weekly dinner menus and recipes. It will give me an opportunity to share meals that we use to feed a large-ish family while also keeping me more organized and within a budget.
I try to keep my meals with as little or no processed food, so hopefully that will also be helpful to someone. I will keep you all posted once I get to it all on my list:-)

Meanwhile....Have a great week! Relax when you can!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like great family time. That's what life is all about. Thanks Sam.....Jan


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