
Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Beginnings!

Wow, I had a nice holiday break and today is the start of a new year for us! Welcome 2012!

I usually picture my house in order and the children dressed and ready for a fabulous school day, but the reality is that we are all upstairs, kids in pjs (most of the kids), and I have been paying bills and now updating ya'll, my friends. It's is a good thing that I realize the picture perfect images in my head are always quite contrasted to the reality that dwells in my house.

I suppose that the new year also brings resolutions, attempts to do life differently or to set a high goal to reach for,but I have never been the make a list and try to stick with it for a year kind of gal. I get too distracted with the seven humans who rely on me for food, education, companionship and love. I tend to make up a year long theme in which to encompass my entire being throughout the year. This year I choose joy. JOY!

As much as some people like to trash social networking and internet use in general, I am so thankful for all of the people that I have "met" or reconnected with through my computer. There are some amazingly wonderful people out there who I would have otherwise never crossed paths. Yesterday a childhood friend posted this on her face book status: 
You know, I think we spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched, issues to be resolved, maybe this year to balance the list, we should try walking through the rooms of our lives, not looking for the flaws, but for the potential we all have hidden deep inside. 
Perhaps that should be the theme for all of us this year.  Although the word potential never was a "good" word in my book because it meant that I was capable of doing something. I would always rather be doing something, not sitting and capable. This year I will keep the joy and lose the potential:-)
Enough reflection. This year I have started work on a few projects. One is the Little Birdie Stitches quilt.
 I started block number 5 last night. This will be a favorite quilt for me, I know already. I have plans to get it finished and to my quilter in February.
Next, I learned to crochet granny squares over the break.

They are far from perfect, but I intend to make a ton with yarn that I have in my stash. They are dainty and pretty and will one day make a pretty baby afghan.

Finally, I received as a gift the most wonderful book by Amy Adams.

That meant only one thing: time to hit the thrift stores for wool sweaters. I did and they are felted and ready to be cut and sewn into a collection of lovely softies.

It must be the child in me that is so excited to sew and collect these delightful creatures. I will be sure and post my progress!

Here's to a wonderful beginning for you all! I will close with my 2011 recap video of My Barefoot Farm! (and because I am a true Psych fan, there is a pineapple in there. can you find it?)

Have a fantastic week!


  1. That quilt is looking great! I, too, love stuffed animals and such... I have thought of gathering some old sweaters and making some stuffed creatures, but haven't gotten around to it yet/ I'd love to learn to make granny squares - I've always wanted to do that, too. My knitting needles have been resting for the last two dare they take a holiday! Happy New Year!

  2. The wool sweaters were only a buck at Christ Chapel. I am going to the Samaritan Center this week too! I hope to perfect my granny squares.

  3. I want look through that book!!!

  4. I wash wool sweaters in hot water to felt them. I am using them as fabric to sew animals from the new book I got by Amy Adams I just finished one and will post it Wednesday. It's really fun!


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