2) We wanted to surprise the kids. and 3) We tend to be a little rebellious:-)
We pulled out goodies and candy that we purchased and bought tons of construction paper to make hearts.
We stayed up late, after the kids' bedtime, to bake cupcakes, blow up balloons, string some crepe paper and tape hearts to every surface in the room.
We made it look like it had rained hearts. You know what?
The kids woke up early with bed heads and were so happy to see the Valentine's surprise! Later that afternoon we treated them all to a lunch out at a restaurant. They behaved beautifully and loved going to a Hibachi grill and seeing the chef cook their food in front of them. It was a fantastic day!
Then there was Wednesday.
It was BEAUTIFUL outside! Oh my how we loved every second of it too! After spending the afternoon cleaning chicken coops, we decided to throw ourselves an impromptu back yard party!
We lit the back yard fire pit and threw some dogs on sticks to cook for dinner. I even splurged on some of those yummy and yet disgusting onion ring type chips...the fun kind:-) talk about some happy kiddos!
Some of us didn't even make it out PJs that day. We just hung out and played and enjoyed the weather for as long as we possibly could!
Oh how much I love these days!
Then came Thursday night.......
Slowly, one by one, the kids started getting sick. It started with the youngest and so I carried him around in a sling most of the afternoon and evening thinking it would be better by morning.
Well, we rarely get ill in this house but when we do...it's a whopper and we ALL get it.
Needless to say, by Friday everyone was sick, including me. Gotta love the ol' GI bug in a large family!
We spent the rest of the weekend recovering, eating solid food again, and catching up on laundry while disinfecting the house.
Oh it was another beautiful day! We were busy all morning and then spent the afternoon outside soaking up some body healing rays.
It feels great to be back! This week I have to catch ya'll up on the farm visit coming up and how I really think a milking cow will be on our farm soon. I can't wait! Until then......
Have a glorious Monday!!!!
Well at least you had already made the most of the early part of the week and I'm glad to hear you're all better now.