
Tuesday, October 9, 2012


It was a great trip to visit some great friends.

We toured Huntsville, Alabama and experienced all of the culture, even if it didn't involve football. There are antique stores and also an art district that's pretty amazing.

There is also a pretty cool downtown that has regular farmer's markets and a beautiful park area built around the spring that Huntsville's founder watered his cattle with long before downtown existed.

Of course all of the attraction paled in comparison to visiting our dear friends. It was a wonderful two days and guess what? Devin managed the farm and the kids without me or the oldest two girls just fine.
So I guess I need to plan my next trip to Huntsville, right?

Ahhh, back to reality this week.

I am feeling a bit antsy to start some Christmas projects so next week will begin my Handmade Holiday series of gifts you can make or at least put together.

I need some input with one gift so I asked on my FB page for ideas of favorite quotes, not long quotes. If you have something near and dear to your heart, please share. I would love to see what inspires everyone or at least gives you a chuckle.

Are you ready for the holidays? Who is the most difficult to find a gift for on your list?

I'll be back this week, but I also wanted to share this post about mothering.I really liked it.  Enjoy and see you later alligator!


1 comment:

  1. Holidays? What holidays? Ugh. Well, with the Holiday Market coming up in Dec. I have been making tons of soap. Hope my family likes them!


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