
Monday, March 25, 2013

Homeschool Prom 2013

It was a wild and fun weekend in Huntsville.
I took Journee and Quinn and their friend Jack to attend the homeschool prom.
We have life long friends there and they invited us to go have some fun with them

Of course we got there early enough to do a little shopping at Harrison Brothers downtown first.

The weather was rainy and cold but we made the best of it, although we did think of ways to make the ground hog pay for his poor prediction of an early spring. Darn rodent!

They were a great looking group all dressed up and ready to eat dinner and dance. This here is a picture of my girls and their friends who live in Huntsville. They have been friends since they were 2 and 3 years old!

This friend here has also been in this friend circle since he was a little tyke. He drove with us to join the fun.

The theme of the prom was "The Phantom of the Opera" and the group of ladies who organized the event did a fantastic job with the decorating and the organizing.

Of course we couldn't leave the family Yoda at home, so we brought him along. He dressed up to the theme and was more than willing to pose for pictures with the teens.

Here the kids and Yoda made their grand entrance to the prom festivities!

This is the table where I worked and helped to "sign in" the kids and take their prom tickets.
It was a very organized event and I could not have imagined a better format for such a huge dance. Over 200 kids were in attendance!

The gym was decorated as if it were a set of the broad way play and there was a layout of desserts and included a chocolate fountain. The end of the dance was marked with a huge balloon drop as well!

Who says home schooled kids must miss these fun high school events?

Thank you so much to the Huntsville Homeschool Prom organizers and to my sweet, dear friend Monique for including me and the girls.

Thank you also to the wonderful and fabulous Andrew and Logan for inviting the girls!

We had a blast and so did our Jedi Master:-)


Later this week I will post about another omnivore dilemma and some of the complexities that go along with family farming.

Until then enjoy this wonderful week!!!

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