
Friday, January 31, 2014

Snow Day

This week we had a snow day. A REAL snow day, a day when the kids could actually dust off the sled we purchased 3 years ago and sled down the back hill.

Bless their hearts, we never have proper snow clothes or boots because, well...this is Georgia and snow rarely happens. The kids did their best to compile some layers of clothing and spent many hours outside, with hot chocolate breaks in between.

It was very cold out too so under the fluffy white snow was a nice layer of slick ice. Traffic was a mess and Chattanooga was a parking lot in many areas. We were all home, with the exception of Journee who had classes at Chattanooga State. She never made it home that day, but she did make it to her friends house and spent the night there. Her commute would have normally been 15 minutes but took 4 1/2 hours instead.

The cows had shelter to get under but they spent most of their time out in the snow. Crazy cows.

We were cold doing chores and keeping the water troughs clear of ice was a challenge. The good news is we are in Georgia and the temperature today will be in the 50's. It will actually climb to the 60's this weekend.
So we had two days of snow and ice and I happily welcome warmer weather, although there have been rumors of more snow late next week.

Now that the roads are all clear, we will head out after chores to fetch another bottle bull calf. This will give me 4 total bull calves to help me reach my goal of getting 10 this year. It can be a bit wild at feeding time with so many babies running around trying to lick and suckle everything in sight!

Have  a warm and wonderful weekend!


  1. Love your blog. Brings joy to my soul. Why are you wanting bull calves?

    1. We will raise them as steers on grass and sell them for meat after about 2 years!

  2. We're in Texas, and we got our every 3-4 year snow last week.

    I'm also curious as to why you want ten bull calves. We went last week and picked up two more. It was the worst sleet and ice we've had this year, but for some reason that was the only night the guy would be available for us to pick them up. I wasn't taking a stock trailer out with the weather they were predicting, so we stopped at Lowe's for a 12x16 tarp. We spread it out in the back seat of our 12 passenger van, over the seat and held in place and we used sacks of feed with the tarp run over it and tucked underneath to make a bowl (to catch anything). We hurried north in the sleet to get the calves and then headed south to home. By the time we headed home, it was snowing. It took over two hours to make the 45 minute trip. It was really stinky by the time we got home, but the tarp did a great job protecting the van. When we opened the back door to unload, the "tame" calf ran us over and got loose. We couldn't catch him so we had to leave him loose with the other cows until feeding time the next morning. That makes four calves, one born to our milk cow and three adopted/grafted onto her. We have some for us and some to sell for our ag exemption.

    I really enjoy your blog.

    1. Ten was just a number I decided upon for no special reason. We plan to raise them as steers on grass and process them after 2 years or so. We can't afford older calves but these bottle calves are cheap and I have plenty of milk for them.
      I am glad my trip was not nearly as long as yours! Crazy!


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