
Monday, January 13, 2014

The Bi-Polar Southern Winter

We made it through the cold, frigid, it's never been this cold here in my lifetime winter weather.

It was -5 degrees. It was so cold that the milk started turning to slush in my milk lines. THEN, five days later is was a sunny, pleasantly warm 60 degrees. Typical Southern winter.

It was such a nice TWO days of weather that the bees were out flying and the horse was brought to the house for a nice, long grooming.

We wore hats to keep the sun out of our eyes versus hats to keep our ears from freezing off.

That was yesterday. Today it is cool, cloudy and about to start pouring rain.

That's OK. We enjoyed the break from winter while it lasted and now we march on until spring arrives to stay.

The farm will be busy (as will I) this spring with new pigs, baby chicks, goslings and packaged honey bees. The girls will be starting seedlings for the garden as well as helping with lambing season, which begins in February. 

I also have in my possession a new book, Vintage Cakes. It just arrived but I am excited to pour through the pages and pick out a cake to bake. Quinn has already found what she wants me to bake for her birthday!
At least when the cold weather comes back this week I will have lots of yummy desserts to bake!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday!

1 comment:

  1. We had that same kind of weather here in Kansas...-14 a week ago and then on Sunday it was 70! It was beautiful. Now we are back to typical winter/early spring weather of clouds, wind, and cool temps. I'm sure the horse loved to be groomed. I can't believe one of your girls didn't have shoes on, but I guess that's normal around your place :-)


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