
Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Real Life

It has been a crazy day. Crazy.
In case any of ya'll look at this here blog and think we have our act together and that I have everything under control all of the darn time, I am going to bust that myth.

We live a real life over here.

If you look past the house lamb wearing a diaper, the shoes on the floor, the table piled with books, and the other various items strewn all over the floor and table, you will notice two brood boxes.
We getting all of our milking buckets ready when I got a call from the post office this morning to come get my baby chicks, only I hadn't ordered any chicks.
Apparently the hatchery was confused and sent me my chicks that I had received 4 weeks ago. Yes, I have 105 meat chicks  now in addition to the 100 I have outside on pasture. It was a huge hatchery mix up.
I am happy that my girls were able to construct brood boxes last minute for me.

While we were milking Rose hurt her knee jumping on the trampoline. It was nothing serious, but we wrapped it and gave her ibuprofen under the advisement of her doctor, also known as her daddy.

Today she will be taking life easy and not putting weight on her knee much.
*Please note that my living room has toys, books and the other boot on the floor.

I had high hopes of finishing up a sewing project this week, but just look at my sewing room!
Yes, it is also my laundry room, but I am usually able to keep it halfway cleaned up. This morning I can hardly find my machines, and that kitty cat there managed to once again unthread my serger. (Grrr)

Today would be a great day to start some spring cleaning except, you know, I am overwhelmed with farm animals and an upcoming prom for my two oldest.

Life is messy, and when you have a large family and a farm it can get messy often.

Today I will focus on the most important aspects: 1. Feeding and caring for kids and animals 2. Feeding myself  3. Reminding myself that this is a real life and some days are just crazy 

Seriously, this kid isn't bothered by a mess or disorganization. Why should I?

Happy Thursday Ya'll!!! Hope you are blessed to have a real life too!


  1. love it... some valid points.

    1. Yes, this too shall pass. I might add baking something yummy to my list of things to focus on too. Chocolate can be medicinal:-)

  2. I sooo needed to read this post today! I found your blog through another on farming and homesteading, something we are in the planning and learning stages of. I have been feeling a bit down today with the gloomy weather and all the disorganization and "real life" that seems to be getting in the way of me organizing! Thank you so much for sharing this and reminding me of what is most important! It's so easy to get stressed out and focus on all that is wrong that I forget to take time to appreciate what is right!

    1. Yes! One important aspect to farming or homesteading is that there are days when the sky seems to be falling! This too shall pass! Happy you stopped by!!! :-)

  3. Oh I most certainly am blessed with having a very real life too! Wouldn't want it any other way x


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