
Sunday, March 27, 2016

8 Weeks of.....nothing

My absence was not planned, but it was rather a necessity.

My year started out as normal, a million projects and plans brewing, but then that all changed when a pregnancy test showed that baby number 8 was on the way and morning sickness hit me hard.

Life came to a near screeching halt. I was sick with all of my pregnancies, but this one has been the most intense by far. Now that I am finally getting out of the first trimester, it has eased up a bit and is mostly intense  just throughout the afternoons and evenings.

If you have seen me or spoken with me anytime over the last 8 weeks, I apologize. I was not myself. I was either 1. Very nauseated or 2. Just up from a nap and very nauseated or 3. Very nauseated and drugged up on phenergan. Either way, we were keeping this pregnancy secret until I passed a certain week and trying to act normal has been difficult.

I am blessed to have teens who can drive, grocery shop and cook. I am also blessed to have teens who can do all of my farm chores. I have an immense aversion to milk at the moment. Can you imagine? The sight and smell of milk totally turns my stomach. This makes milking cows rather difficult and the irony almost laughable.

Although most of our friends are very happy for us and our new addition, I have heard some skepticism from a few. At this stage in my life I think it is quite humorous. You don't get to where we are in life, lots of kids and a farm and homeschool, without the ability to ignore sceptics.  That is a take away lesson for those of you struggling to farm or have more kids or homeschool. You will never get EVERYONE on board with your plans. Do it anyway.
We have never regretted any of our children and this one is no different.

Anyway, lots and lots has happened here during my brief respite...too  much for one post. I will spend this week catching everyone up on all of the farm and family news. Although I was down and in bed most of the last 8 weeks, that doesn't mean the farm activities stopped.

Thanks for hanging around!!!!!!


  1. Congratulations! I enjoy reading your blog and am glad you are back.

  2. Congratulations! I hope you have a healthy happy baby! :)

  3. Congratulations! I hope you have a healthy happy baby! :)

  4. Congrats! I've missed your posts greatly and look forward to "catching" up!

  5. Congratulations!!! What a blessed baby to be born into your family. So much love just waiting for them. Wishing you a healthy 9 months and beyond. :)

  6. I was secretly hoping that was why you were absent from your blog! Not that you were too sick to blog, but that you were pregnant that is. :) Yipee and congratulations!

  7. Oh congratulations! I am so very pleased for you. I hope your nausea passes soon xxx


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