
Friday, November 18, 2016

Fall Leaves

We are in the midst of a record breaking drought here in the South. We are more than 20 inches short in rain for the year and have noted a good rainfall day since March 1st. 
It is dry.
Wildfires are burning all through the state and the neighboring states.

Farmers are feeling it too with less than normal hay. Many are having hay shipped in from other states, which is expensive.

Earlier this week the smoke was so thick outside that some schools closed early and people were told to stay inside.

This here is a picture of Georgia and all of the smoke from fires.

We need rain in a bad way.

We did, however, have a nice day when the smoke cleared and we could see some blue sky again.

Because Journee has been so very busy finishing up this school semester and working, we have been trying our best to take her pup, Kid, outside to play. 

Willow actually took the younger siblings and the dogs outside to play and take pictures. It is so nice to let the younger kids spend lots of time exploring the outdoors!

Fall is a very beautiful season, even with the drought.

The leaves by the creek are the prettiest right now.

This is the official camping out area for Willow.

It is unbelievable that it is 80 degrees in mid November too. We should be getting some slightly cooler weather this weekend.

Willow has done a great job keeping, me in family photos since she got her iPad mini.

Duke has been feeling pretty good, although cool mornings are some what difficult on his joints. We moved his bed into the garage for the winter though and that helps a ton.

We need rain. Hopefully we will see some soon. Keep the South in your prayers, along with the many fire fighters helping fight the battle.

Here's hoping you have a fabulous weekend!

Happy Friday Ya'll!

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