
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Spring Doozy

The only thing I dislike about spring are the wild storms that come through. Last night we had a doozy blow in, and although there were no tornados, it left its fair share of damage.

 We stood on the porch watching the chicken tractor closely because we had 45 pullets in it when we heard a loud crash.
This huge tree fell on the metal carport we use to park the tractor.

This morning I had a chance to assess the damage. The tractor seems fine but the carport is trashed.

I have already had a conversation with my insurance agent.

The tree fell just enough to damage our wooden storage shed too. 

I know we are actually lucky that no people were hurt and that we never lost our power. 

Now to do chores and see how best to repair the chicken tractor.

I really thought it was going to blow away during the storm. I am grateful it did not, but I do need to repair it the best I can today.

Hoping everyone is safe after last night's spring doozy!

Happy Wednesday Ya'll!


  1. I'm shocked that the carport took more damage than the chicken tractor but you were blessed that's all the damage you had. I'm beginning to think this wind is never going to quit. What little rain we get is dried up within two hours and that doesn't bode well for spring crops. Good luck with the chicken tractor repairs.

  2. Nature has its own circumstances and decisions. Even with so much advancement in technology, we are not immune from the devastation caused by natural calamities. The images clearly show the impact of storm.


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