
Friday, October 7, 2011

Random on Friday

Today was a day full of getting caught up on household stuff and also digging out and starting new sewing projects.

What can I say? I love to sew cool stuff.

After school work was done I managed to sew up a wet bag with the PUL fabric I bought last weekend.

  I usually carry a large plastic zip type bag with me to put wet cloth diapers in...but no more!
 Instead of a zipper, I put some elastic  on the side to use as a rubber band to close it up.
It rolls up nice and tight when not being used. Fabulous, if I must say so myself. Where was this fabric 15 years ago?

I had to make a run to the quilt store this afternoon to buy some material for the back of my latest quilt when I found this beautiful fabric.
What to make???? I am not sure but I love the prints so I might make some bags with it. Not sure. It's so hard being a fabric junky.

I love to keep up with Sew Mama Sew and decided to follow along with the Christmas Pants (think skirt) project. I am going to go completely scrappy and use only fabric from my

It will not be traditional Christmas colors but it will be bright and pretty! Consider joining the sew along!


After dinner tonight I finally caught up on some food prep and made up a stash of pancake mixes.
 These two cannot get enough of helping grind the wheat. This is a blessing too...even though it takes twice as long to grind. I am happy to let them help.
If you want to make up some mixes too, just check out the recipe HERE. These are really great to keep in the freezer for use and are much cheaper and healthier than the store type.
There is a great movie coming out this December, but first let's read the book.

We started reading it tonight and we covered the first 2 chapters. WOW! It's going to be good book and it covers some World War I history, so it's a great history lesson too. I have found through my years of homeschooling that these types of books teach more than a typical history book, trust me.

It has been a busy day at home and that is what I like. Home. It's so much easier to gets things done such as housework and sewing projects  and book reading. I have noticed that some of my friends are spending the last few weeks really stressed and running to a billion activities each day. To this I am grateful for a slower pace.

 Devin is off tomorrow, so we are going to spend some time outside while he works on the storage building.

We have some old dead plants to pull up and some chestnuts to plant. The weather will be nice too so I might even get to try taking some pictures of my beloved honey bees.

It looks like I might need to tidy up a cabinet or two as well.

Have a relaxed weekend and remember to slow it down!

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