Journee and I took a loom beading class with my mother. Chattanooga has fabulous new bead shop. A bead shop.
It has tons of fabulous beads and plenty of classes to go along with their inventory.
I am quite happy with my first bracelet and have made another. Journee is starting her third bracelet.
Rose even drew up her own design on graph paper so I could teach her. She did a fabulous job.
Never stop learning folks!
There is no question that my herd of cattle is growing each year. I have 30 acres for all of my cows and sheep and horse. Usually we have a neighbor bale hay from the front 15 acres and then I rotate the animals through several other paddocks. It works quite well, but we are feeling the strain of having more and more cows each year.
Fortunately, we secured a lease on the neighboring property that sits exactly next to our acreage. We will need to repair some fencing and add a new gate, but this will give us an additional 20 acres of grazing possibilities.
This is just a lower section of the acreage. We walked it out so we could scope out breaches in the fencing. I was pleased to see some green grass.
There is a creek, but we will be fencing to keep the cows away from the water. The owner who is leasing us the land doesn't want to see cattle from her side of the creek. I thought that was a funny request, but we will able to get water to the cattle from our side of the property line.
This is a picture of the railroad trestle over the creek. Our land is surrounded by the creek on 3 sides and the railroad on the other.
Finally, Devin started a new job last month. He is back in the ER. He did enjoy his time at an urgent care clinic, but the ER pays better and he is able to work fewer hours a month.
More time at home means he can work on projects, such as fencing, and he can also take us all out more often.
In fact, we decided to take the kids bowling!
We rented out 2 lanes and used gutter guards on one of them. The boys probably had the most fun.
Fletcher had quite the time getting his ball down the lane. He tried using the metal roller a few times but preferred to toss the ball himself.
We are enjoying very warm temps this week before the cold returns next week. The bees and the frogs and the crickets all think spring has arrived. I wish it were true, but we have a few more weeks of cold.
Happy Hump Day Ya'll!