Before I sign off to enjoy the holiday and my family I have to first show you the fabric for my quilt I am sewing. Actually, it's a Christmas quilt that I am starting so that I will have it done for next Christmas. I know, I know, but this quilt really speaks to me and so I am motivated to start. It will hang on the wall when it's done, something that will one day pass down to a child or grandchild:-)
Bright colors like I like them! The quilt can be found at Little Miss Shabby and it has embroidery in each of the 12 blocks. I have enjoyed looking through the Flickr group to see what others have made. I am excited to begin!
Next I want to say that I have thought alot about the North Koreans. One of my very best friends works tirelessly as a human rights advocate for the people there and it has become an issue close to my heart. I decided that I would write a letter to Kim Jong Un. Okay, I know he will never read it, but I am going to write a quick note here because I think North Korea doesn't get enough attention. The oppression there is more than I think we can even begin to wrap our brains around. It's Christmas and I want everyone to remember North Korea this weekend as gifts are unwrapped and food eaten.
Dear Kim Jong Un,
You are in a position seldom thrust upon any person in the history of this world. You have in your grasp the ability to force others into submission and compliance OR the ability to show compassion and true leadership so that people look to you willingly as a great person. It is your choice whether the people of North Korea continue to suffer or prosper. It is your choice whether North Korea remains a rogue, brutal and hermit country or an open, liberated country with allies throughout the world. You are the author of your history. Will the books one day tell the story of torture, forced labor camps and starvation or will they tell the story about a great leader who freed his people and allowed them to develop and thrive. Will you be the leader who helped shape an entire nation for the true good of its people? Will you transform years of brutal totalitarian laws into a republic that respects all life? The world is watching you closely to see what kind of man you truly have become. What will you choose?
Last, I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. For many this has been a tough year. There have been deaths, injuries, fights, job loss, and just plain bad luck. I hope that for Christmas you all find the blessings and not just the pot holes. Remember that life is short and that there is always a plan, a reason, and a scenario that plays itself out. We are constantly growing and learning. We are truly blessed to be living in a rich and free world, no matter our circumstances.
Merry Christmas!
From My Barefoot Farm!
Friday Phone Dump: