Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shock and Awe

We are back from our road trip to visit my sister in Arkansas and while we were gone something amazing happened. It snowed. A. Lot.

Ya'll this was not a small snow. It snowed 8 inches and today is day 4 of the stuff still hanging around. I thought we were in the South, but now I wonder.
Anyway, we are home and spending the day doing nothing but playing, relaxing and eating. Monday will be a kicker here when we start school back. It will be a loooong day, I am sure of it.

Here is what most people look like when they see us show up at their door for a 5 day visit.

That is my nephew, actually, and we were playing charades. I think he was acting out "my aunt and her large brood just showed up for a 5 day visit!"

Seriously, we had a great time, and I am not very good at Just Dance 2 unless you count points for making up moves as you dance along. I am expert at that:-)

Now that we are back home it is time to start making my lists of everything I need to accomplish this month year. The list looks something like this:

1. Bake cookies
2. Watch movies
3. Organize closets
4. Clean pantry

Oh, it is a longer list than this, BUT I am feeling very motivated and happy to have accomplished the first 2 items.
Can I get a hip=hip hurray?

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